Have documented build cost sheet for all items as noted below. $10,000.00 invested in overhaul.
To any items to list! Motivated seller ................Make me and offer I can't refuse!!!!!!............Price reduced 2/11/2016
Paint job: Color 2014 Corvette Pearl Metallic Blue $4,000.00 (Done in July 2014)
New C4 hood and trunk emblems
All new rubber seals inside and out including under the hood wheel wells
Replaced rear hatch window, ith newer style, eated etc.
Added third brake light to rear hatch door
Installed new rear spoiler / painted to match car
Installed new front spoiler
Installed new power radio antenna
Cleaned, nspected sockets and replaced all exterior and interior light bulbs. Some light fixtures replaced
Installed new rear chrome exhaust section
Replaced faded side marker lights, everse light fixtures and installed new license light fixture
Installed new rubber fuel well located in rear fuel door assembly
New custom chrome Corvette license bracket front and rear. (they go with car)
Purchased newer car jack and handle
New locking lug nuts
All panels re-shimmed to assure body lines are correct
Stock OEM Wheels in fantastic condition, o curb rash or blemishes
Rebuilt C4 center caps
New interior carpet black, ew sound dreading and new padding through out
2 New custom black bucket seats.
New seat belts
New dash cover
New C4 Corvette in bossed floor matts
New padded center console / in bossed C4 Corvette logo
All new switches in center console (window, +3 switch, atch open, oor locks power mirrors)
Replaced passengers side mirror glass
New upper door panel vents
New upper door panel seals (inside and out)
Replaced window felts
Replaced door panels with reconditioned blue panels, nstall new carpet and upper moldings (all new clips and fasteners)
All new fasteners through out interior
Replace both rear hatch switch located on end of side door assemblies
New door power lock actuators / both
New power window motors / both
Rebuilt both side door window actuators / new regulator tracks installed
New door insulating covers installed
Inside of doors cleaned, repped and sprayed with under coating
Cleaned up, epaired all wiring, ested complete
Replaced all speaker covers / grills
New rear view mirror
One new sun-visor passenger / need driver side (have new installation hardware kit)
Purchased used Tahoe roof removal tool
Misc. Items
New spare filter package that goes with the car (2 oil filters, ir cleaner filter, transmission filters). New in the box.
Many parts go with the car / original buckets seat mounts, ard top with out frame, any electrical parts, dditional wiper blades, layer new car cover, lutch parts on and on.
Full Chilton’s repair manual / complete electrical drawing
Newer engine and trans installed with 56,000 miles / Car 100,000 unknown speed ohmmeter was broken when I bought car.
New complete clutch replacement kit (flywheel, lutch disc, ork, ilot bearing and through out bearing)
New clutch slave cylinder, ose assembly, ew clutch master cylinder
All wiring checked and replace where needed
New hood seals installed
New battery
New alienator
New spark plugs, ires, otor and cap
Custom air cleaner / painted same color as car (See pics)
Replaced many sending units
All new vacuum lines
New wiper motor and new blades
New water hoses
Flushed and cleaned brake system / new fluid
Replaced head lights
Totally rebuilt front motorized head light assemblie, ew gears, epairs brackets and adjusted as required for perfect operation