On Mar-07-16 at 14:40:05 PST, eller added the following information:
Ok, am getting lots of questions on the rust so I will give a better description hopefully. Lets start in the trunk. It rotted out where the fuel filler tube comes in from outside and attaches to trunk floor. The shock mount area where they attach in trunk floor are rusted. The main trunk floor is good. Inside the cab there are some rust holes in front kickpanels about size of a pencil in 3 or 4 spots. Behind the door and in front of the rear wheel well inside is rusted worse on passenger side than drivers. But most of the floor is good or has already been patched. Where the body mounts to the frame under the hood on either side of the engine those mounts are rusted. The quarters and side panels in front of the rear wheels have some bondo and metal patches. Thats about it, ts not horrible for a 66 year old car. Let me address the windows too, did'nt list those quite right either. The front, ear windsheilds are there and fine. The rear side windows are there and fine, he door main windows are there and fine, he vent windows in the door are missing on the drivers side and cracked on the passenger side. I hope that clears up a few things and I also posted some more pics. Feel free to ask me any other questions you may have. thanks alot