Engine-427 SS dyno'd over 550hp with 750ft lbs tqAluminum headsMSD ignitionQuick Fuel Technologies carburetorAluminum radiatorOptima red top batteryNew 3" exhaustBig cam
Transmission-4 speedNew clutch pressure plate and throw out bearing
Suspension-Completely rebuilt front endLowered 2"Four wheel disc brakesSub frame connectorsThe car has a great stance
Body-Slick paint (could have done a little better job in the door and trunk jambs)New floorsNew quartersI was told the floors and skins were high quality and the installation was done correctly by the Camaro inspector
Interior-All new seats, oor panels, onsole etc.Front seat extenders
You can drive this car anywhere just bring your gas card.....
I am looking for a 1935-36 ford cabriolet or 3 window if someone wants to swap.
Keywords: trade, 935, 936, uscle car, esto-mod, ro touring
On Aug-10-15 at 09:16:59 PDT, eller added the following information:
I noticed yesterday while rolling up the windows, had to assist (push or pull) to help the drivers rear window go up and down.The car also has brand new BFG's, ims and rings.