Perfect Project Car. Numbers Matching with Headers, -Tops, 7,000 original miles. Needs Complete Interior (has two seats),needs Paint. Motor runs great, o noise or knocks. It will be a great driver. Some extra parts included, ust bought a front fender & bumper for it. The original color was Corvette Yellow.
Update: the body work is done, ront end repaired and in primer ready to paint.
Give a call, O TEXT..come and see. Must Sell, ake Strong Cash Offer... not giving it away.
727 342 3410
A $500 Deposit to be made immediately, prefer wire transfer for final payment.
Car runs so loading for shipping is not a problem, will assist.
What you are getting:
Complete 79 Corvette Body, ights, Tops and hardware, ll Glass and operating windows, wo seats, wo doors, ll wheels and tires, otor, rans, rive train, xels, ront fender and Bumper with parts to put it together.
The car runs and drives, asy to load
Thank You