Vehicle mileage shows 13,850based on 5digit odometer. Vehicle is exempt from odometer disclosure as vehicle is 10 or more model years old. Clear WI title with no title brands.
sale policies & General information
Item Inspection Guarantee and warranties: Rawhide-Sales strives to provide you with accurate description of the item you are purchasing. All purchases are “As Is.” The Buyer will be given the opportunity to inspect the item to make sure it is as described before completing the sale. Hours:Monday – Friday
8:oo am – 4:30pm CST
Pick up hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm CST
Closed weekends, ajor holidays (including Good Friday), nd applicable extended holiday weekdays. Please send us a message through eBay or call to arrange a date and time for picking up your item(s). Plan to arrive M-F before 3:00 p.m. for proper service. Appointments are appreciated!
Accepted Payment:PayPal, redit Card, r Cash in Person only. All sales are final.
· Upon winning the item, he Buyer is responsible for: Paying the deposit within 72 hours.
· Paying the remaining balance in full and picking up the item within 14 days.
· Sales Tax: The State of Wisconsin requires us to collect sale tax on most items.
Sales Tax:Per the state of Wisconsin, we are required to collect a state (5%) and county (.5%) sale tax for most items sold unless you show verification of tax-exempt status – No Exceptions. If the item is a motor vehicle (car, ruck, otor home, r motorcycle) Wisconsin tax is due only if registered in the State of Wisconsin. You must submit the tax in your own state of registration if not registering in Wisconsin. Proof of tax payment is stated on sale invoice as applicable
Transportation:Buyers are responsible for arrange pick-up and transporting of all items
Rawhide terms and Conditions