1933 Ford Pickup: Was put back on the road last year after sitting for many years. The engine is a rebuilt 283 with an 11" truck clutch out of a one ton 1959 Chevrolet. Transmission is about a1960 model passenger car three-speed with a brand new 1960s out-of-the-box Foxcraft shifter. The rear end is a 9" Ford Pickup with high gears which works well with the 11" truck clutch, hough a little harder to push. The pedals are also early rod replacement and the master cylinder is new. Brakes have been gone through with new brake lines and hoses. The truck has an electric fan that can be controlled by a switch under the dash and a new water pump. The carburetor is a new 1964 Chevrolet Corvette with an electric fuel pump. The exhaust is homemade with new glasspacks. Though the truck sits low it still has use of the full bed. The floor in the cab was replaced with new sheet metal as was the floor in the bed and the bottom of the doors. The truck was lightly sandblasted and repainted in a semi-gloss flat black. This is a fun little truck to drive and gets away quick! It's rumored that the truck ran at Mokan but I have no documentation, nlyword-of-mouth.
Can store truckfor a couple of months as long as payment is made in full.
Sorry no trades.