For bid is a 1971 Ford Bronco Custom ready for serious off roading. This awesome vehicle is equipped with a Ford Mustang 5.0 V8 engine, 4 Transmission and restored with many custom components. Custom parts include Rancho RS 9000 5 Speed Dual Shocks, ild Horses Coil Springs, arn Locking Hubs, arn XD9000 Electric Winch, C Road Lamps, eld Reproduction Wheels, oyo Open Country M/T 37x 13.50x R20LT Tires, ioneer GM-5200T 740W Maximum Power Amplifier, uto Meter Pro-Comp Ultra Light Gauges, rant GT Steering Wheel and more. Please call 203-661-6669 for more information.
Vehicle may be sold by dealership before end of auction.
Carriage House Motor Cars has described the above mentioned vehicle to the best of our ability. However, ith all pre-owned automobiles, he condition is subjective, o we recommend that the potential buyer fly out to inspect as well and test drive any of the vehicles before finalizing purchase. If your personal inspection is not possible, e will be glad to help facilitate an inspection by your chosen local independent service center and will make arrangements for the inspection to be conducted here at Carriage House Motor Cars. All vehicles are sold in "AS IS" condition. Please be advised that no oral statements concerning any vehicle constitute a representation or warranty of the condition of said vehicle. Our goal is to provide you with the best service and the most comfortable buying experience on eBay. We do not accept escrow, nd all inspections must be done prior to delivery.
In regards to winning bidders and Buy Now option customers: We recommend that all winning bidders and buy-it-now option bidders fly out and personally inspect the vehicle. This is another way for us to assure your satisfaction in conducting business with our company. Feedback must be left at the time of delivery following final inspection.
Pertaining to non eBay winners, nyone with a deposit but the sale is pending financing, rd party inspection or any other contingency, he said vehicle will not be held and is subject to be sold at any time, ntil all contingencies are removed and a manager or owner accepts and signs the purchase order.
The advertised mileage represents the actual miles when the car was placed on eBay. These vehicles are test driven and actual mileage may differ at time of sale.
Condition Disclaimer
All used vehicles should be assumed to have some degree of wear. We do not manufacture our product. Each vehicle brand has its strengths, tyles, endencies, nd shortcomings. Therefore, espite our best efforts to verify a vehicle's mechanical condition, e are not able to warranty a manufacturers workmanship or a previous owners diligence in care. It is for this reason that all vehicles are sold "AS IS" and there are no mechanical guarantees expressed or implied.