1980 Nissan Patrol G61, 4x4, P Engine, 58k km/36k mile, 16"Alloy wheel, Back spare tire rack, Custom Seat, Custom A/C,
Finished Major service and Japan Bi-year Safety inspection done.
Financing Available
Price : $24,995 O.B.O
All vehicles are As/Is No warranty. These vehicles can not be registered in California until brought into California compliance. Please check all local laws for information on title and registration.
NHTSA. Importing a vehicle that is at least 25 years old.
A motor vehicle that is at least 25 years old can be lawfully imported into the U.S. without regard to whether it complies with all applicable FMVSS. Such a vehicle would be entered under Box 1 on the HS-7 Declaration form to be given to Customs at the time of importation. You should note that the 25 year period runs from the date of the vehicle's manufacture. If the date of manufacture is not identified on a label permanently affixed to the vehicle by its original manufacturer, to establish the age of the vehicle, you should have documentation available such as an invoice showing the date the vehicle was first sold or a registration document showing that the vehicle was registered at least 25 years ago. Absent such information, a statement from a recognized vehicle historical society identifying the age of the vehicle could be used.
EPA - Vehicles over 21 years old.
If the vehicle is at least 21 years old, there are no EPA compliance requirements upon importation. The age of the vehicle is determined by subtracting the calendar year of manufacture from the calendar year of importation. If the calendar year of manufacture is unavailable, the importer may substitute the model year or year of first registration. For instance, to qualify in 2001, the vehicle must have been manufactured in 1980 or earlier. The vehicle must be in its original unmodified configuration. Vehicles at least 21 years old with replacement engines are not eligible for this exemption unless they contain equivalent ornewer EPA certified engines.
No approval or Customs bond is required by EPA. The importer must also prove to Customs, as required, that the vehicle or engine was manufactured prior to EPA regulation. Documents such as a title, or letter from the original manufacturer may be used for this purpose.The importer must file with Customs, upon entry, an EPA Form 3520-1 and declare code "E" on that form.
Right Hand Drive - http://www.gtrusablog.com/2014/04/is-it-legal-to-drive-right-hand-drive.html In order to be lawfully manufactured or imported for sale in the U.S., a motor vehicle must comply with all applicable FMVSS issued by NHTSA(unless it is 25 years old, in that case it is exempt from FMVSS). It is possible for a right-hand drive (RHD) vehicle to be manufactured in compliance with the FMVSS.
California - http://www.importavehicle.info/2013/04/direct-import-vehicles-1975-or-newer.html
Direct Import(or Gray Market) vehicles are vehicles that were manufactured outside the United Statesfor which the original manufacturer did not obtain California or Federal certification(1975 or newer vehicles). The EPA normally covers direct import vehicles under the ICI program, but if a vehicle is going to be registered in California, it needs to meet the California Direct Import requirements.
California has its own EPA called the ARB. Direct Import(or Gray Market) vehicles are vehicles, 1975 or newer, that were manufactured outside the United States for which the original manufacturer did not obtain California or Federal certification. The EPA normally covers direct import vehicles under the ICI program, but if a vehicle is going to be registered in California, it needs to meet the California Direct Import requirements. Any vehicle 1975 or newer needs to meet these standards otherwise it is not legal to register it in California. A vehicle model year 1975 or older doesn't need a smog(in use test) in California. 1975 would need to meet direct import requirements(FTP testing), but then would not need to be smogged after the initial direct import requirements are met. 1974 or older non USA spec vehicles need to meet EPA requirements per 40CFR Title 85, Subpart P on the date of 11/15/1972.
1976 or newer needs to be smogged in California every 2 years
1975 or newer must meet Direct Import requirements(FTP testing)
1974 or older exempt from smog
1968-1974 Vehicles need to meet EPA requirements per 40CFR Title 85, Subpart P 11/15/1972
1967 or older are exempt from testing/import requirements
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