If you are looking for a Bel Air to fix up or restore this is the one you want!
This car is solid and straightLittle rust, ith a few pin holesThe body has been wet sanded and buffe, nd also Glass CoatedWe rust stopped the floorsTrunk needs new floor panTrim pieces and parts in trunk included (shown in pic)Back window is missingMotor and Transmission are not includedClear Title
Please call with any questions: Direct: (214) 516-8572
This vehicle is sold as-is where-is with all faults known or unknown and with no implied warranty.
We reserve the right to cancel this bid and/or auction at any time for any reason.
Garage Junkies specializes in service, epair, aint and restoration of classic vehicles.
If there is any additional work you would like done to this vehicle, lease contact us for a quote.
After the sale is finalized we would be able to start work on your newly purchased vehicle!